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Return of the reluctant runner

The snow has melted, the ground has thawed and I am out of excuses. I can avoid running no longer. Part of me dreads the return to the rigors of pounding along the streets. But another side of me is excited to be back at it, knowing that I’m doing my heart good....

Frosty running fool

Although I haven’t really written about it, I have been keeping up with my running. I know. No one is more surprised than me. But despite my moaning and wailing before each run, I am getting a lot of satisfaction from getting outside and hitting the pavement....

Approaching the big 10 and 1

It’s getting chilly out there, but that’s not stopping me from getting in my runs and building my base to get my butt in shape. The goal of the Learn to Run clinic is to get yourself running for 10 minutes and walking for 1 minute. Repeat that, they say,...

This running stuff does work

Despite the lack of updates about it, I am still at this running thing. Three times a week, with my running group and sometimes on my own when I miss their running times. I’m not sure which I prefer right now. I’m naturally a hermit and have cycled many...

Run, Mel, run!

Well, I survived last night’s induction into the cult of the Running Room with no major injuries or heart failure. It was actually easier than I expected, but we were only doing run one minute, walk two minutes. I know it’ll get harder in the coming weeks,...