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Despite the lack of updates about it, I am still at this running thing. Three times a week, with my running group and sometimes on my own when I miss their running times. I’m not sure which I prefer right now. I’m naturally a hermit and have cycled many long trips on my own, so I’m used to doing the exercise thing solo. Will return with a verdict on that in the coming weeks.

But I do know one thing: running definitely does help with writing. Like chopping wood and doing the dishes, running has that repetitive element to it that lets you get into ‘the zone’ (ugh) or as gamers (among others) like to call it: flow.

Last night, I was out running with the group running 1 and 1s (one minute running, one minute walking) and as the others were chatting, I slipped into the flow. My mind then inevitably turned to my writing and the chapter of my current work in progress that I wrote earlier that day. The writing was good but not great, a fine accomplishment for a first draft, which usually suck horrendously. With every step of my run, I went over the chapter and saw where I could beef it up, lose some stuff and really make the action come alive. It was great and I hope the others in my group didn’t think I was odd for not joining in on their banter, but in a way I was still at work.

I didn’t set out on my run to work through the day’s writing. It just sort of happened and I finished the run not only feeling physically revved up, but also mentally charged and ready to take on the next chapter in the story.

My only regret (and I’ll probably regret even writing this) was that the run wasn’t longer. I had barely begun to get into my story in my head when suddenly we were finished and I was walking home, out of the flow and back into the noisy, bustling street of my neighbourhood.

So, score one for the writing/running duality. But we’ll see if I’m still wishing for longer runs in the coming weeks, when we hit the dreaded 4 and 1’s!