by liam | Aug 5, 2015 | education, life, writing news
I am excited and slightly terrified for this September. As a teacher, the “new year” for me begins in September. It usually involves a new school, new classroom and new group of students. This year will be different. I won’t be the teacher. I will be...
by liam | Dec 31, 2014 | life, writing news
It’s December 31st, 2014. That means the Year in Review lists are clogging up your newsfeeds, webpages and neural datastreams (if you’re reading this in 2025). This is another one of those. Sorry. I’ll admit that I write them mostly for myself....
by liam | Jul 27, 2012 | education, life, literacy, works in progress, writing news
Just a quick update on things before I unplug from the web for a few days. The Max Finder Mystery Giveaway is now closed. The four lucky winners of Max Finder Mystery Collected Casebook Volume 6 have been chosen and contacted – check your inbox and spam...
by liam | Nov 4, 2008 | life
C’mon America. You can do it. You might also enjoy: How Twinkle Fingers turned my classroom into a General Assembly Air America giving...
by liam | Sep 24, 2008 | life, literacy, media
Leave it to Jay Smooth to explain (kinda) what’s going on in the economic mess swallowing the US. If you really want to know what’s happening, then you better listen to Naomi. You might also enjoy: Soccer summer Canadian style googlebating is good Seeing...