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popcorn politics

Being political has never been easier – just go to the movies. Okay, go to one movie – Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11. You’ve heard about it, read about it and talked about it, now’s the chance to show your support for it. It opens this...

shhh. . . don’t talk about it

Next to culture, the environment hasn’t had much of a look-in during this federal election. During the English televised debate there wasn’t even one mention about clean energy, clean cars or any other issues that will keep our planet clean. To get the...

defending culture

“I explain it this way: arts grants fund the R&D wing of our cultural operations. Just like research and development in the scientific community, this allows for new methodologies and new strategies to be investigated without having to turn a profit. But in...

support the corp

More tomorrow. Read Chandrasutra for the full story. You might also enjoy: Back from bear country open for chat...

this old blog

I know I said it’d be quiet around here, but a sure sign that I’m behind on my deadlines is when I start tinkering with my blog (I already did the dishes.) I was in the process of adding a new site meter to this blog, when I discovered a new Blogger...