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back from book expo

It seems like bloggers go to a lot of conferences. And when they return they always explain how hectic it was or how many people they met/spoke to/missed, etc. BookExpo Canada was no different, but hopefully my posts about it will be. I didn’t meet any fellow...

peggy, ed, doug and books

Went out and canvassed for Peggy Nash again this evening. This was my second time getting off my butt and spreading the New Democrat Party word and it was just as rewarding as last time (and it got me out of the house a record-breaking third time this week.) As the...

well met

Well, it’s official: Debbie Ohi is a great person. Yesterday’s meetup went very well after we each decided that the other wasn’t packing heat or out on a day pass. As I said yesterday, Debbie is the second online person I’ve met in real life,...

moving on to meat-ups

Since returning to Toronto, I’ve really felt re-energized and more outgoing. Normally, I’m a true hermit, who would prefer the company of my partner and a good movie. But that’s changed lately and I give blogging some of the credit. Blogging has...

writing rituals

“I don’t believe in [writer’s block]. All writing is difficult. The most you can hope for is a day when it goes reasonably easily. Plumbers don’t get plumber’s block, and doctors don’t get doctor’s block; why should writers be...