by liam | Apr 3, 2015 | Battle of the Blocks, education, gamebasedlearning, gaming, Teacher's Guide
About two years ago, I made a promise to write a follow-up to my post: Essential plugins for Minecraft servers. That post never happened. I am a bad blogger. And more than one visitor to this blog and my personal blog told me as much. But that changes today! So, here...
by liam | Sep 14, 2014 | appearances, gamebasedlearning, literacy
Last Friday morning, I took a detour on my way to school to the CBC building downtown.
I wasn’t lost. I had been invited to chat with Matt Galloway on Metro Morning to discuss, you guessed it, Minecraft.
by liam | Dec 14, 2013 | media, writing news
Yikes! I just realized that four days ago, this blogged turned 10 years old. Ten. Wow. It all started with this post in 2003 where I railed against Flat Stanely cozying up to Karl Rove from Bush Inc. And I haven’t stopped railing ever since. That’s not...
by liam | Oct 5, 2013 | appearances, education, gamebasedlearning, gaming, Teacher's Guide, video games, virtual worlds
I’ll be yammering on about Minecraft a lot this October at the upcoming ECOO 2013 conference, in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Last year’s ECOO Minecraft Madness was a lot of fun and this year promises to be bigger, better and blockier than ever before. Read on...
by liam | Aug 5, 2013 | education, gamebasedlearning, Teacher's Guide, video games, virtual worlds
As Minecraft continues to storm through the world of gaming, education and everywhere else, one thing is for certain: everybody wants to create their own server! I think that is a great thing. I’ve run several servers since early 2011, through my GamingEdus...