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Fun at Fairview & meeting Marty Chan

My comics talk at Fairview Branch here in Toronto was a hit, or as one participant said: “totally awesome!” About 50 kids crammed into the library’s meeting room for a fun-filled hour of Max Finder Mystery crime-busting and comic making. Thanks to...

Ads in schools, Max gets it

No, not my Max. This Max. As usual, he’s spot on. Advertising is so pervasive is because everyone thinks it’s money for nothing: you put up some ads, you get paid, what’s the harm? The non-monetary side of the transaction can’t be measured. What’s the undivided...

Soccer summer Canadian style

Wow, it was over a year ago that I wrote about writing to the whistle, when I spent last June working on too many projects while trying to catch too many World Cup Soccer games. With the U20 World Cup happening in Canada this year, it seems not much has changed. Well,...

Heading home

Melanie (who has a new website – yah! link to follow very soon.) and I are heading down to London to visit with family for a few days. While we’re there, we’re going to take in King Lear at Stratford. Haven’t been there in years, so it should...