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I’m incredibly honoured that my graphic novel Power Play is nominated for a 2012 Diamond Willow Award. Being one of the amazing “Tree Awards”, the winning book is chosen by the most important judges of all: the reader! Over the next few weeks, readers in Saskatchewan will work their way through some great Canadian books, including Power Play my graphic novel adventure about government and democracy.

Since I can’t be in Saskatchewan to convince the kids to vote for my book, I’m inviting all Diamond Willow readers to ask me questions or just say hi in the comments section below.  I’ll check back daily and answer anything readers would like to know about the book, writing in general or whatever!

If you’re a Diamond Willow reader, let your teachers know I’m here and ready to chat with you about all things bookish.

So, let the conversation begin!


Special thanks to super-teacher Lori Kruk for inspiring this idea. I look forward to hearing from the kids in her class and any readers out there in lovely Saskatchewan or beyond.

And check out the video Ms. Kruk put together to highlight all the Diamond Willow nominees: