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Have you ever wondered how much dust gathers inside your computer? A deadline must be approaching because that’s exactly what I was thinking about the other day as I was cleaning and most definitely avoiding getting any writing done.

About three months ago, I looked inside my new super-duper computer to see how everything was running and I was shocked to see something like this:


This is the inside of Melanie’s computer, but mine was just as bad. Now, I’m not sure exactly what nasty things dust inside a computer can do (start a fire? cause some expensive bit to overheat?) but I wanted that dust gone. So the other day, I bought a can of this:

dustoffcan1.jpg It’s basically air in a can and it’s completely nasty for the environment as it doesn’t have that reassuring “No CFCs” label and started to frost up as I used it, which can’t be good.

I honestly do feel guilty about using it. But I don’t drive a car, so that makes me carbon neutral, right?

Anyway . . .

This was the end result:


Dust on our back deck and out of my computer! (and Melanie’s too) Now our computers are dust free, fire safe and meltdown protected.

Okay, okay. I know, get back to writing. Hmm, but those dishes do need to be washed . . .