Thankfully, my time spent working in corporate offices has been very brief. But I’d barely finished my first donut when I realized I was in another world, filled with it’s own warped language, customs and demands (pizza day! Crazy Shirt Fridays! 24 hour inventory shifts!!)
These bizarre tribal customs are the basis for the latest VidLit for the new book The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit.
While mocking office culture isn’t new, it’s always been a sport close to my heart. The Dictionary of Corporate BS looks like it’ll be a hit with those trapped under the glare of fluorescents everywhere (where it’ll be passed around like a secret manifesto inspiring the workers to shake free from their yokes and take back power and – yeah, whatever.)
And to comply with my manditory “mention Max Barry in every post” rule, check out what Max has to say about how the the US is working to make mocking corporations illegal. If you want to see office culture satire at its best, then read the first chapters of Max’s trio of corp-scathing books: Syrup, Jennifer Government, and Company.
Now, get back to work!
And don’t forget, this Friday is no pants day at OD Synergenic Enterprises (ie my place.)
tagged: [books] [corporations] [vidlits]