Okay, so here’s the deal: First it was a computer glitch that hid my posts deep within the server. Then it was work – a lot of work, which is never a bad thing. Unless, you have a blog and you’re like me and you don’t even want to look at a computer after sitting in front of it for eight hours (okay six, but shhh!)
So, August ended with me doing a reading at Franklin’s Garden on Toronto Island. I read from my Pet Tales picture books and I think it went really well. Melanie came along and helped out with setting up my books, taking photos (which will be online soon) and making sure my name was spelled correctly on the announcement board at the front of the park (she’d make a great agent.)
September was spent writing a 45 page graphic novel for Rubicon Publishing about Ancient Celts. It was a lot of fun and I really learned a lot about ancient history (Julius Caesar and all that – Astrix now finally makes sense!) Rubicon is an educational publisher and they churn their stuff out fast, so the book will be out in January 2006. Which is cool.
Also for the educational market is a new series of books I’m working on for Capstone Press. It’s all still hush, hush, but I’m excited about it and will let you know more when it’s all in the bag.
AND . . . I’ve been contacted by Stone Arch Press, a new kids publisher, about doing some stuff for them. That starts next week and will keep me writing away until mid November.
Added to all that is one more super secret project that I’m really excited about but refuse to talk about until my name is on the contract and the money on it’s way to the bank. You’ll have to wait for that one.
So, I’m back. I’m busy and I vow to give updates at least once a week. I promise.