web analytics

Evil teen buzz marketing tries to go legit

When you run a dodgy marketing strategy, like getting teenagers to secretly sell to their friends, it’s best to band together and create an air of legitimacy. That’s what “buzz marketing” groups did recently with the first meeting of their new...

In your face and on your bookshelf

Although this book came out last year, I’ve been turning to, In Your Face: The Culture of Beauty and You a lot lately while researching my latest project and each time I flip it open, I feel I must tell everyone I know about it. I was lucky enough to first hear...

DIY Vlogger Teleprompter

History has shown that every new technology borrows from the old (the computer keyboard you type on is a throwback to the old typewriter and hasn’t changed much since.) So, it’s natural that vloggers will want to borrow from television to help shape the future of this...

del.icio.usly tagged

In the last year, I’ve wondered at del.icio.us, played with del.icio.us and put my brain on del.icio.us. Now I am offically streaming del.icio.us. Thanks to Bigbold’s RSS Digest, anyone not geek enough to know how to hack an rss feed (ie me) can now stream...

Goodbye Gen Y, Hello Gen M

In our never-ending need to assign letters to people younger than us, the Kaiser Family Foundation hereby dubs the recent crop of kids: Generation M. As in media. Why? “Children and teens are spending an increasing amount of time using ?new media? like computers, the...