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In the last year, I’ve wondered at del.icio.us, played with del.icio.us and put my brain on del.icio.us. Now I am offically streaming del.icio.us.

Thanks to Bigbold’s RSS Digest, anyone not geek enough to know how to hack an rss feed (ie me) can now stream any page’s feed onto their site.

It’s timing is perfect. As you may or may not have noticed, this blog can go silent for days on end when things get hectic with me. I’m not offline. I’m still stumbling upon great stuff online. It’s that I just don’t have time to sit down and type out a post about everything I’m finding. That’s where my del.icio.us bookmarks come in. I’ve been bookmarking cool stuff with plans on posting about it later. But of course that never happens and the del.icio.us bookmarks remain unnoticed, unread and unloved.

But not anymore, with the start of my “del.icio.us five” list on the right side of this blog. Now when I don’t have time to blog, but I find something worth bookmarking it will appear on this site the instant I tag it. It’s like a mini linkblog or sideblog without the hassle of maintaining another blog. Cool.

So, if my posts start to look stale, have a look at my del.iciou.us five, they’re sure to be slightly more fresh and just as tasty.
