Greenpeace Canada has launched their Kleercut campaign, warning of the waste that goes into the manufacture of toilet paper and tissues.
The worst offender is the Kimberly-Clark corporation, the makers of Kleenex brand tissues (heard of them?)
From the Kleercut site:
Kleenex, one of the most popular brands of tissue products in the world, contributes to the destruction of ancient forests in Canada. Its manufacturer, the Kimberly-Clark corporation, has been unwilling to improve its practices, continuing to rely on paper and pulp made from clearcut ancient forest including Canada?s Boreal forest. Kimberly-Clark clears these ancient forests, essential in fighting climate change and providing home to wildlife like caribou, wolves, eagles and bears, into products that are flushed down the toilet or thrown away.
Chandrasutra’s Kleercut campaign overview gives you the poop (sorry) on the campaign and getting involved.
Too lazy to follow that link? Then get involved by sending a fax to Kimberly-Clark HQ.
Does it work? According to the campaign’s blog the answer is: YES.
So overwhelming has the response been that I got a voicemail message 4 hours into the launch day from Kimberly-Clark. Seems that they don?t like having the head office flooded with faxes. Makes the bosses upset. Could Greenpeace please change the fax number that we are sending faxes to? Perhaps we could send it to a regional office so there?s less heat? Sorry ?Spokesperson from Kimberly-Clark?, (972) 281-1490 aka head office, is where we will continue to send them.
Keep jamming those phone lines and send Kleenex a fax telling them we don’t want to wipe our bums on trees!