by liam | Dec 14, 2013 | media, writing news
Yikes! I just realized that four days ago, this blogged turned 10 years old. Ten. Wow. It all started with this post in 2003 where I railed against Flat Stanely cozying up to Karl Rove from Bush Inc. And I haven’t stopped railing ever since. That’s not...
by liam | May 11, 2013 | appearances, comics, education, literacy, Teacher's Guide, writing news
I recently ran a four week Writing Comics Workshop for young writers at the amazing Toronto Public Library. Each Saturday, I met with 25 creators aged 8 – 12 years and we went through the steps to writing our own comics. We focused on using words to create story...
by liam | Jun 15, 2008 | literacy, media
I’m running out the door to sign at Book Expo, but I have to put up this assortment of voices denouncing Bill C-61, the new copyright law proposed by the Conservatives earlier this week. Overall, I agree that it’s bad for Canadians and fantastic for...
by liam | Jun 10, 2008 | literacy, media
Speaking at the National Conference on Media Reform, Bill Moyers outlines the dismal landscape that is mainstream media today, while encouraging all viewers, listeners and readers to demand that the media tells “what we need to know.” More at
by liam | May 12, 2008 | education, literacy, media
A few months ago, I asked if I was the only one troubled by Doodle 4 Google, the in-school marketing campaign art competition put on by the good folks at Google. Since then, over 16, 000 K – 12 students across the United States have spent valuable class time...