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Stamps Alive!

The other day I posted about US stamps with kids lit characters on them. Today at we make money not art I found the really cool moving stamp you see on the right. And yesterday I bought some stamps. What the heck is going on?! They’re made by the Dutch design...

For Melanie

[thanks again to meish.org] tagged: [mel] [rokx0rz] [hard] You might also enjoy: Rallying for Jack and the Gang don’t forget to love the passion of the...

Kids Lit Characters Get Stamped

Although it was announced a month ago, I’m just hearing about the US Postal service’s plan to put some of our favourite kids lit characters on stamps. This is a great idea that is sure to be a favourite with card-sending grandparents and stamp-collecting...

Max Barry on First Drafts and Editing

Get ready to hear more about Australian author Max Barry. In the past I’ve blogged about Max’s Tales from the Cubicle and his take on author royalties, but with the release of his latest book, Company, you’re going to hear a lot more about Max....

An Idea a Day

I don’t know about other writers, but I do not have a shortage of ideas for books and stories. I’m hit with ideas all the time and mostly I’m smart enough to write them down in my journal. Some ideas are complete stinkers, but others have potential...