Virtual World News reports on the unhinged hype of Webkinz copycats cramming themselves onto the real world/virtual world toy bandwagon.
Toy Fair, the leading toy show and expo in the country, has barely kicked off, but virtual worlds-related toys are already making a splash. The OC Register is pointing to virtual worlds and green toys as the two major trends driving the industry this year.
We’ll be getting faeries, racing cars, sea creatures, jungle animals, need I go on? Didn’t think so.
A bright light? V-Tech, makers of educational-based tech stuff, announced, which doesn’t even have a page holder yet. While I’m no expert on their product line, I’ve never been overly impressed with their products, which aren’t usually upgradeable and seem to merely teach drill-and-skill learning. While I’m not expecting much from their vw, I am mildly happy that an educational vw is being talked about. But for me, mildly happy is pretty close to disappointed.
Tune in next year when I announce the demise of about six of the new virtual worlds listed in the VWN post.