EduCon 2.0 is happening right now in Philadelphia and I’m attending some of the sessions from the comfort of my office (and my comfy pajamas too) via their ustream channels. On the educon wiki, they describe the conference like this:
EduCon 2.0 is both a conversation and a conference.
And it is not a technology conference. It is an education conference. It is a School 2.0 conference. It is, hopefully, an innovation conference where we want to come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas — from the very practical to the big dreams.
I found out about EduCon via Konrad Glogowski’s blog of proximal development, which offers a great look at using tech like blogs in the k-8 classroom. Worth checking out for sure.
Okay, back to the conference and then back to pelt collecting . . .