I can’t believe that Kerry has conceded already. What happened to waiting until every vote is counted?
Why do Americans have this fast food mentality with their elections? They want results right away like it’s a home pregnancy test. Other elections around the world take days to come to a final result, and it’s not just because of a lack of technology or experience, etc – it’s because elections are a big job and big jobs take time.
Waiting for the legal 10 day window for absentee ballots to be counted and other voter irregularities to be investigated might not have changed the results but at least they would have sent a message that the Democrats aren’t going to roll over again like they did in 2000 (and is what they have done again in 2004.)
This quick concession is the most shameful thing of this campaign and will not help the Democrats one bit (I mean besides officially losing the whole election thing)