I don’t know if it’s psychsomatic or the bayer thought police’s mind tricks, but ever since I posted about that misleading ad for aspirin, my carpal tunnel syndrome has flared up badly. After a day of sitting at the computer writing, I’m left to enjoy an evening of burning wrist pain and numbness. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to take one of them aspirins!
Instead, I shelled out some money on a medieval-looking wrist brace. It may look stupid but it works. I wore it for about two hours yesterday afternoon and for the first time in weeks wrists didn’t hurt.
It’s from Bauer & Black and their website has some good info on the treatment of CTS.
Using the mouse and keyboard are tricky at first but you eventually get used to it.
If you’re suffering from CTS, I recommend you pick one up. Your wrists will thank you.