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shopping, once removed

“I’ve found it’s a lot more fun to go into stores and malls and take photos than it is to go buy something. In fact, all the pretty colors and displays, carefully crafted to make you want to buy things you don’t need, work almost as well in...

posting practice

In my pre-coffee ignorance of all things bloggy & tech-hot, I had no idea who Steven Johnson was until I read this piece in the Guardian. It’s a pretty bland Q&A about Steven, his new book and his views on Google. What struck me was his reasons for...

shameless plug

Things have been hectic in the realworld around here. With two new Max Finder Mysteries just submitted back to back and a new picture book manuscript due this Friday, I haven’t had time to blog. But I have had time to update my website with images and info about...

play’s the thing

“There’s something about play that seems so frivolous that we cannot take it seriously — even when it’s a driving force in society.” – Clive Thompson Over at Collision Detection, Clive Thompson provides a great look back at the first home computers and the need...

out on the f—ing street

“Investing one’s time an energy into a single corporation isn’t necessarily less creative – but it is, ironically, less secure. Corporations just let people go. They give severance and all, but then it’s over – and all you can say...