by liam | May 24, 2015 | Battle of the Blocks, writing news
One of the things I love most about indy publishing is the ability to change my mind. Want to tweak the blurb on the book’s Amazon or Goodreads page? Go for it. Need to fix a typo spotted by an eagle-eyed reader? Done. And the biggie of them all: Want to change...
by liam | May 18, 2015 | Battle of the Blocks, writing news
A little over a month ago, I sent a copy of Battle of the Blocks 2: Nether Nightmare to my wonderful beta readers. Then, I promptly went into hiding. I explained my fears in this post, but it turns out I didn’t have to worry. It’s not because my writing...
by liam | Apr 5, 2015 | Battle of the Blocks, writing news
This new world of publishing both thrills and terrifies me. I’m thrilled because in addition to writing fun books for traditional publishers (like my Tank & Fizz mystery series for Orca Book Publishers), I can also publish my own projects and get an...
by liam | Dec 13, 2014 | Battle of the Blocks, literacy, video games, writing news
I’m not good a keeping track of stuff. My desk is a collection of piles of papers, books and gadgets that I tell myself is organized into a “system”. But it’s not. It’s just what it looks like: piles of stuff. Being this way is not a...
by liam | Nov 22, 2014 | Battle of the Blocks, writing news
The print books are here! The print books are here! I like ebooks and all, but when I get the print edition of my latest books, this is what I do: Every time. And yesterday was no different. These came in the mail: The print editions of Descent into Overworld. Are...