by liam | Dec 24, 2013 | comics, literacy, media, works in progress, writing news
With Christmas only a day away, I wanted to share with you a present from my creative pal, the amazing Mike Deas. Introducing Tank & Fizz, monster detectives extraordinaire: They are also stars of Tank & Fizz Mysteries my brand new series, illustrated by Mike...
by liam | Dec 14, 2013 | media, writing news
Yikes! I just realized that four days ago, this blogged turned 10 years old. Ten. Wow. It all started with this post in 2003 where I railed against Flat Stanely cozying up to Karl Rove from Bush Inc. And I haven’t stopped railing ever since. That’s not...
by liam | Dec 3, 2013 | education, media, writing news
With the print edition of Ganked now available, it’s about time I ran a giveaway contest. So here you go! Goodreads Book Giveaway Ganked by Liam O’Donnell Giveaway ends December 14, 2013. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win It all...
by liam | Oct 19, 2013 | literacy, media, video games, virtual worlds, writing news
Friday was a bit of a quiet celebration day around here. First, it was Friday and that always puts a spring in my step. Second, my young adult gamer geek mystery, Ganked was officially released into the world as an ebook. The print edition will follow in mid-November....
by liam | Oct 14, 2013 | comics, literacy, media, video games, writing news
It’s locked down and online. No more edits. No more tweaking. Time to step back and let go. Yesterday, I uploaded the final version of Ganked: Geeked Out Mysteries #1 to Smashwords, iTunes, Barnes & Noble and Kobo (it will be on Amazon on Oct 18th). The...