Is your teen cell phone market getting saturated? No problem – start selling radiation emitting phones to the 4 – 8 year old set. That’s what MYMO has done with their new line of pre-teen cell phones. [via TechDigest]
Now parents can finally relax and let their kids get into dangerous situations without having to worry. Their child is only a candy-colured phone call away. The colourful EMF beacons toys are perfect for giving parents a false sense of security and grooming youngsters to become cell phone chatting consumers by the time they’re ready for their first Solo plan.
The pre-teen phones can’t dial out, instead they hold 5 pre-programmed numbers and only come with a pay-as-you-go plans. So, you also don’t have to worry about little Reece and Amber racking up excessive phone bills (that nasty heart defect they develop from the radiation-emitting phone dangling around their neck, is another matter completely.)
As with all RFID security devices, the pre-teen cell phone encourages vapid consumerism in our children, fosters a ’surveillance-beats-all’ attitude in parents, and doesn’t stop to ponder if this technology is really good for a young person to have.
Stay tuned for the next product from MYMO: the in utero pager. It’s ten o’clock, do you know where your fetus is?