by liam | Jul 26, 2014 | comics, writing news
With all my experimenting with ebooks and print on demand (POD) publishing, there is still nothing that can replace the thrill of having your books get reprinted by your publisher. That’s what happened last week when the books in the photo above landed on my...
by liam | Jul 29, 2013 | education, Teacher's Guide, video games, writing news
I’ve been writing professionally for nearly 20 years, but in the last year I’ve really started to have fun. And I’ve started to make real mistakes. Both the fun and the mistakes are due to my experiments with self-publishing. And both have taught me...
by liam | Mar 4, 2013 | appearances, comics, education, literacy, media, writing news
March and April are shaping up to be busy months, with me on the road talking and teaching comics. If you’re in the Toronto area, you should definitely check it out. Talking Max Finder Mystery at CAKE First off, on Saturday March 23rd, there is the Comic Arts...
by liam | Sep 30, 2012 | education, literacy, writing news
I’m incredibly honoured that my graphic novel Power Play is nominated for a 2012 Diamond Willow Award. Being one of the amazing “Tree Awards”, the winning book is chosen by the most important judges of all: the reader! Over the next few weeks,...
by liam | Sep 21, 2008 | media, writing news
It’s been quiet around here lately, but it’s not due to me having a lack of things I want to say. It’s all down to time and energy, of which I have had little when it comes to blogging. It’s the classic bloggers dilemma, so there’s little...