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Net Neutrality: an open source explanation

If I could, I’d wear this video as a hat and broadcast to all who see me. You might also enjoy: Traffic shaping/Net Neutrality on CBC news GamingEdus Open House & Minecraft Mayhem at Academy of Impossible open for...

Sci-fi Sunday with Visions of Science

Today is going to be a good day. The sun is shining and I have several great science fiction stories to read. They’re all part of the Visions of Science Imagine 2008 young writers competition and I have the honour of being one of the competition judges. What is...

links for 2008-05-03

Canadians to be shut out from online movie downloads? “Legitimate online video services have already been slow in coming to Canada, but because of download limits being imposed by the country’s major internet service providers, they may never really get...

links for 2008-05-01

Net Neutrality explained in 10 minutes If you’re reading this, then you like the internet. Let’s stop it from becoming TV. (tags: netneutrality freedom neutrality video Internet net politics media) You might also enjoy: links for 2008-05-03 links for...