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The snow has melted, the ground has thawed and I am out of excuses. I can avoid running no longer. Part of me dreads the return to the rigors of pounding along the streets. But another side of me is excited to be back at it, knowing that I’m doing my heart good.

I took a break from running in January when I nearly froze my lungs during an ambitious 10 km run. I said it was the cold and the snow, but really I was happy to have the break. It’s been a slothful few months and now that nagging voice has returned to say: “Shouldn’t you be outside?” Also, my running guru, is applying some not-so-subtle pressure and hints each time I fire up the PC for another marathon gaming session. My in-game characters might be growing stronger and more fit, but I am only growing older.

So, back into the streets my friends, one thoroughly stabilized step at a time!