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When Garbage Bins Attack

What’s Toronto’s answer to their littering problem? Bigger garbage bins! I’m talking 7 1/2 feet tall. With ads. Lit up (as in draining electricity from the already strained TO power grid.) That’s taller than Toronto Raptor Loren Woods, who is a...

More Great Advice from Crof

Anyone looking for a great blog for writing inspiration and advice would do well to drop in at Writing Fiction, just one of Crawford Kilian’s many blogs. Crof discusses the progress and setbacks of his own fiction with an honesty that most writers could never...

Debunking Writer’s Block

Like many prolific authors, Philip Pullman doesn’t have time for writers who complain about writer’s block (as I’ve posted about before): “I don’t believe in it. All writing is difficult. The most you can hope for is a day when it goes...

New Year, New Server

If things look a bit rough around here (ie broken links, empty images, etc) it’s because I’m in the process of switching to a new server and I’m still pulling out the wires and plugging them into their new slots. It also explains why the site has...