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Hammy Nibbles His Way onto Walk of Fame

As a kid newly arrived to Canada from Northern Ireland one of the biggest changes for me to make was getting to know all the new TV shows (that’s a big job when your six.) One of the first shows I really bonded with was Tales of the Riverbank, starring Hammy...

Canada kids books not into seal-eating (or hugging)

[via places for writers] Children’s writer Andri Snaer Magnason may be an award winning author in his home country of Iceland, but in Canada, his book The Story of the Blue Planet goes just too far: When Magnason recently presented a manuscript to a Canadian...

S&S use tsunami to sell christ to kids

“[The audience for these books] is not what we have always thought of as the traditional Christian market. It’s Joe Everybody. When a tsunami hits, you want to be reassuring to your kids.” – Robin Corey, Simon & Schuster Publishing Good to...

Being anti-anti-everything

Max Barry is a fine example of a writer who uses his website to promote his books, communicate with his fans and speak his mind. In his latest post he answers his critics who accuse him of being “anti-everything”, something that is regularly laid at my...

Your Mail in Court

That old NAFTA spectre of Chapter 11 is rearing its ugly head again. The good people at UPS believe that Canadians don’t deserve a publicly owned parcel delivery service, and they’ll sue the packages off us to make that point. Thanks to a little NAFTA...