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Why William Gibson stopped blogging and why I’m both attracted and afraid of where it will take me:

“I?ve found blogging to be a low-impact activity, mildly narcotic and mostly quite convivial, but the thing I?ve most enjoyed about it is how it never fails to underline the fact that if I?m doing this I?m definitely not writing a novel ? that is, if I?m still blogging, I?m definitely still on vacation. I?ve always known, somehow, that it would get in the way of writing fiction, and that I wouldn?t want to be trying to do both at once. The image that comes most readily to mind is that of a kettle failing to boil because the lid?s been left off.”

For me the lid is definitely on the kettle, because editor imposed deadlines secure it firmly. But already my chapter-a-day plan sports the bruises of neglect – all due to my new found blogging past-time (and plot problems). Blogging is definitely intriguing and I’m getting more interested each day, as my growing links will confirm. But still . . .

Can a writer blog and still be a productive professional writer? Some people believe it’s the key to becoming a professional writer, but Gibson feels differently.

So, in the future I promise to keep my blog fresh, the lid on the kettle and either way I’ll be at least writing everyday, which is always good.